Spring Cleaning Edition

The weather might be a bit confused lately but Spring Cleaning is a MUST around here.

I love to clean. I love putting in my earbuds and listening to a good podcast and really going to town. 

But its impossible to keep up with everyone and everything and keep the house in order. Although I do try my very best to be as organized as possible, lately I feel like we have all been slacking in the housework area. 

Travis and I are getting the kids more involved in the responsibilities of the house.

These responsibilities go beyond their daily light chores such as making their bed, feeding the pets, cleaning their rooms etc.

These are bigger responsibilities intended to teach them life skills and teamwork. 

Pro tip: if you call them responsibilities instead of chores they take it more seriously 

We have tried the “Chore Jar” 

It worked for approximately 2 days before someone was crying because they got the “worst chore …again” and “no, I’m not switching to keep it fair”

Then there was the time I tried to assign weekly responsibilities.

Each child is responsible for a the same few chores everyday for a week. This failed too and was really annoying. They would rush through them or they would ask me a hundred questions “Where’s the dust buster?” “Where does this go?” “Can I use Pledge to dust the t.v.?”

I’d end up doing the chores myself because I was exhausted.

Frustrated with their lack of help and complete lack of care –I set off on a journey through the land of Pinterest.

(Cue the gospel choir)

I stumbled upon the idea of using chore baskets. Here’s the breakdown:

Each room or section of the house gets a basket. 

These baskets can be found at the Dollar Store but I am reusing baskets that we used for their travel kits for our trip to Gulf Shores. 

Each basket is stocked with anything needed to clean that room/area/section

and (my favorite part) has an index card with bullet points of how to clean that area and what to use to clean what. 

 A literal step-by-step guide so there’s no confusion.

I made baskets for Kitchen, Bathrooms, Dusting, Windows, Laundry Room, Pets, Yard and  Floors. 

Each kid was assigned one or two baskets and I sent them on their way.

Even Coco was assigned to help pick up sticks with me in the yard!

It took about 2 hours but we all got our responsibilities done and no one complained!

I encouraged them to turn up some music and have fun with their jobs. They took them seriously and we were pleased once it was all said and done. 

Once they completed their area, I restock the basket with supplies for the next time we need them, and store them in the pantry.
They all did a great job and hopefully will realize that it takes a lot to keep up with a house for 7 people but if we all do our part it leaves more time for family fun!

Other ways I am spring cleaning this month:

I am starting from the bottom of the house and workig my way up! I want to declutter, organize purge and deep clean the basement and then head up to the main floor to do the same. The bedrooms are last. I go through drawers and closets and purge, purge, purge.

I try to do two things each day and my goal is to have it all done by the time the kids are out of school.

How do you Spring Clean?








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