
Hi, I’m Brooke.

I’m a wife and mama and now a lifestyle blogger, who tries to make everyday special for my family of seven. I love creating new traditions with my family and making regular days and holidays special for my kids and hubby.

My journey to today has had some twists and turns. Who I am now is a testament to what I went through. Now, I’m married to my best friend and together we are parents to our Fab Five. I’ve enjoyed watching how the Lord has taken the broken pieces of my life and put them together perfectly–stitching together my awesome, unique family. I love sharing my story and have learned so much about myself and this game of life! Journey with me as I discuss blending families, pop culture, books, television and  motherhood.

I am Brooke. We should be friends.

I’d love to hear from you…send me an email me, find me on Facebook or Instagram. I’m here to chat!