Mindful Monday

It is the last Monday of June… how is that possible?

In honor of the last Monday I am sharing with you a few ways to practice being mindful.

There are three things I do everyday. 

1.Call my mama


3. practice mindfulness. (it is a practice). 

Mindfulness is intentional and it is important. A few of these I do without thinking much about it, most of these I have to really shift my way of thinking in order to integrate them into daily life. I know for sure I need to do better with #1 and # 3. Who is with me? 


Stop believing everything you think. We can be so mean to ourselves sometimes. We tell ourselves we aren’t good enough, we aren’t strong enough, we aren’t worth it. Stop doing that. 

Slow Down – when you are reading or listening, take a second to tune in and truly take in the information.

Do one thing at a time. This is difficult, especially for moms. We try to do two or three things at a time to meet everyone/s needs leaving us depleted and exhausted. Do one thing at a time. Maybe that’s “just” folding laundry and not folding laundry, fixing a broken toy for your child and replying to a text. (I’m so guilty of this) Just fold the laundry. Maybe it’s JUST reading. Maybe it’s JUST eating dinner. Recognize the parts of your day where you are overwhelmed and overstimulated and find ways to trickle in some moments of one thing at a time. 

Take 5. Start taking mini-breaks in between tasks. Every hour try to take a few minutes to do nothing. This doesn’t mean answer an email or text ( guilty) it means do nothing. just breathe.

Be fully present. Whenever your listening , be fully present in that moment with that person without trying to judge or control or think about all of the stuff you have get to. 

Laugh at yourself. I do this multiple times daily. I am a clumsy, hot mess but a hilarious one. 

Nourish your body. Eat well, drink water, get sleep, do some yoga, get some sun… give your body what it needs.

Don’t try to avoid or deny emotions. When you start denying that the emotion is there, it just sticks around. It will linger there and take up space. Feel the emotion, acknowledge that it is there and then LET IT GO. (Sorry if Frozen songs are now playing on loop in your heard) 

Get outdoors and embrace the beauty of nature. Okay, I know you’re going to be SHOCKED but I am more of an “indoor girl.” I do things outside for my kiddos but it’s not my favorite. You want to play board games, play-doh, watch Netflix, read books, bake something, or color? That is my jam.  Heat, humidity, dirt, bugs,–not my jam. However, I have really enjoyed going barefoot, doing yoga outside and taking in my surrounding. 

Understand that all things come and go. Good things and bad things. Embrace the space you are in right now in this moment because it will be over and something else will replace it.


I hope I have inspired some of you to practice being more mindful. The world needs more mindfulness. Slow down, check in and smile. Remember that self love is the balance between darkness and light. There is light in darkness and sometimes darkness in light. Find your light and shine on. 




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