Motherhood Musings 

My date with: Rylee

The summer is winding down and school will be back in session in a blink of an eye. 

I am OBSESSING about spending quality time with the kids this summer. 

Since I am able to work from home, the kids and I have spent nearly every day together which has been both magical and manic. 

Some days I want to pull my hair out. Some days are so fun they fly by. 

In an attempt to soak up the last, sweet summer time we have left–the kids have requested to go on a special date with me individually. And I.Am.On.Board! 
Every Monday for the next month, I will recap my special dates with each of the kids.

It isn’t about how long or extravagant the time together is–it is about making the most of the time we do have. You guys, It is really flippin hard to block out time with each kid! With vacations, practices, and our busy loves in general, it is not an easy task trying to carve out time. I have taken the “Quality not Quanity” approach for these precious dates.

Can you tell I still struggle with that? I have major mom guilt when it comes to giving them enough time and attention. I hope that these special dates will remind them just how special and significant and wonderful they are.

First up was Rylee!

One of Rylee’s “Summer Bucket List” items was to go horseback riding. She has always been an animal lover and is really in her element when surrounded by animals and the outdoors.

I looked online for lessons or horseback riding and I couldn’t really find anything that stuck out.

Luckily, my friend Carrie was gracious enough to invite Rylee and I out to visit her horse, Shooter.
Shooter is the sweetest most gentle horse. Perfect for what adventure Rylee was looking for. 

She climbed on up like she had done it a thousand times before! She was a natural and cuold not stop smiling!

Rylee is my quieter child. She is very introspective and insightful. She has always been a “thinker” and very cautious. But every once in awhile she is silly and playful and giddy and adventurous! Seeing her be so lit up was really, really sweet. I teared up a few times–just because she is stinking cute on that horse and because it also took my breath away to see how much she has grown up this past year. She is quite a little lady. I am a lucky mama.
So she rode Shooter

And she trotted with Shooter

She brushed and fed Shooter ​

She was in high heaven.

After that, we had some time before she had to be at tumbling class so we stopped in to enjoy some ice-cream. 
Her birthday is in September and she is now asking for riding lessons. 
I am easily persuaded. 
So that was our date night! Two hours of quality time watching my girl shine and making memories!
I hope you all have the BEST Monday!

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